Friday, June 8, 2012

軟體工程人員應培養的 10 項技能

軟體工程人員應培養的 10 項技能

"訓練情緒智商(Emotional Intelligence)

釐清根本需求(Business of Customer, Be reasonable and realistic)

抓住程式設計精髓(Multi-paradigm programming)

專注易使用性及維護性 [Focuses on Usability and Maintainability]

測試是信賴基礎 [Don't Trust Code without Adequate Test]

關注設計模式及演算法 [Uses Design Patterns and Algorithms]

了解工具或操作工具 [Use and Know your Tools]

善用方法論及衡量指標 [Management Concepts and Key Metrics]

持續整合及重構[Continuous Integration and Refactoring]

完成與完美的迷思 [Get things done than to be perfect]"

